E-Sign certified as the only PSN compliant electronic signature service provider
22 January 2021

E-Sign, who have an office in the Isle of Man, is now a UK Government certified provider on the Public Services Network (PSN) (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/public-services-network-psn-service-compliance/psn-compliant-services).
The PSN is the UK Government’s high-performance network, which enables public sector organisations to work together, reduce duplication and share resources.
It unifies the provision of network infrastructure across the UK public sector into an interconnected "network of networks" to increase efficiency and reduce overall public expenditure.
Government organisations and health trusts access the PSN for secure digital services, that meet their strict regulatory requirements and provide assurance that the service they access has the highest security standards, is exceptionally reliable, and can address issues within a rapid timeframe.
Departments use the PSN to access online services such as E-Sign, knowing they can connect and add to their existing digital ecosystem whilst ensuring that there will be no compromise to security or integrity, as they are also, PSN compliant.
By utilising a PSN certified company, your organisation can demonstrate the security arrangements in place for your digital infrastructure and move through risk assessment processes in a quicker timeframe.
This can streamline your procurement processes and widen the scope of digital services that are more cost-effective than capital expenditure processes, whilst still meeting strict government compliance and security requirements.
E-Sign’s Managing Director, Thomas Taylor commented ‘As the only certified PSN provider in our industry, we demonstrate how much value we place on security and compliance. We are aware of the responsibility that both businesses and Government organisations place on us, in the secure transmission and processing of data. This is reflected in adding the robust PSN certification to our suite of accreditations.’
Throughout 2020 E-Sign has worked with many central and local Government departments, as well as NHS trusts and academic institutions on projects that enable a cost-effective solution to document processes and management.